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catholic Episcopalian anglican church Pope cathedral presbytery Roman Catholic kirk churchwarden ecclesiastical excommunicate Episcopal ecclesiastic Orthodox ecclesiology nonconformist Greek Orthodox Church presbyter congregation tithe Lutheran Mormon recusant patristics establishment choir churchyard patrology archimandrite saint vicar churchly Protestant kirkman papacy evangelical Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Copt patristic synod sacrarium benefit of clergy Catholicism transfiguration abbey
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spiritual vestry canon beadle episcopacy conformity papal High Church dissenter the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints evensong fold ecclesiarch Broad Church spirituality bishop Latin Eastern Church Moonie parish narthex conformist Church of Christ, Scientist anglo-catholic Low Church unchurch chancel prebendary sacristan placebo churchman churchliness irenicon churchdom roman ecumenical sexton Anglo- smith confirmation Greek Book of Common Prayer nave papa College of Cardinals eparchy transept East cardinal abuna matins Western Church temporality conform clergy invisible Reverend eastern pontiff evangelist prelatist apostle secular patriarch preferment Russian Orthodox Church precentor Coptic nef chapel magisterium requiem curia pew Rome plainsong agape rector holy excision consistory canon law parsonage Protestant Episcopal Church mass the Church of England father low-churchism neo-catholic catechumen christen conclave synagogue doctor admission Unitarian antidisestablishmentarianism audient encyclical patrimony erastianism anglo-catholicism heretic liturgy United Church of Christ venerable bema indult Ratana cardinalate orthodoxy the Vatican mother church nonconformity gonfalonier predikant ecclesiasticism chancery canonize Ave Maria romeward primus deaconess altar screen hierarchy sanctuary nativity convocation Latter-day Saint kyrie eleison the Established Church general synod latinize church assembly parvis prelacy commination stall Annunciation metropolitan churchwoman curate altarage offering high-churchism Visitation archdeacon postulator Moravian patronage low presidency ostiary presbyterian papist church-ale Church Commissioners traditor diptych divine office church history west rogation rent sidesman dominie fossor kirk session the Episcopal Church church-wise Holy Thursday doorkeeper the Church of Scotland vert Oxford movement Irvingite novice collect saint's day Byzantine Independent benefice Free Kirker interdenominational Established Church Epiphany harvest-home patristicism secular arm sainted clerk steward parclose priest churchmanship church school beatify dispensation Free Church dean sanbenito psalmist schismatize catholicity front anticlerical high altar Greek Catholic Anglican Communion Armenian Church of England chant Roman Catholic Church dissent anglicanism churchism choir stalls Ringatu advowson Millennial Church Catholicos Roman Catholicism beatitude apostolic Christmas session patristical octave living hesychast neophyte Romanist purple Gallican euchologion Arˈmenian deacon Trisagion general assembly discipline latitudinarian restorationism crossing establishmentarian Church Congress scholasticism moderator primate basil churchway presbyterianism minster subdeacon eparch parson pillar baptism ecclesiolatry Dutch Reformed Church infula pastoral particle triforium rectory apsidal barratry prothesis mechitarist pan-anglican office elder confirm prolocutor itinerancy holy orders canonical Orthodox Church rite offertory sarabaite fabric nonconforming Miller prophet sacrament City of God diocese exarch shepherd Vicar of Christ rood screen annunciator moderate retrochoir churchship procession hymnody parish church auditorium the papacy mystery blaspheme oblationer independentism C of E faulter proaulion the Catholic Church kirklike the Kirk Moravian Brethren sacring bell Methodist Huguenot church service lateran mattins the Archbishop of Canterbury disestablishmentarianism papistry clear communion of saints kirk assembly anent glebe bason religious church vassal Holy Mysteries ordinance antistes Church of Englander church festival Apostolic See dignity christian churchlike lectionary station commune enchiridion caloyer high brother hagia communicate hermeneut -tide abyssinian necrology body altarist hesperinos singer undercroft fraction Great Week Albanian Church evening prayer broad typicon sceuophylax sceuophylacium Lady Church laicize rush-bearing church living pontificate Episcopal Church Coptic Church zion defrock unfrock dominee exarchate the Holy See suffragan corsepresent church folk romanism Congregational Christian churchified church catechism surmount priest-monk church people around resolutioner albigeois New Dunker Holy Sepulchre general convention Doctor of the Church charismatic pewage Philip artophorion atonement chorister early Church mother New Israel anabathmos Holy Week catasarka ordain parsondom church hallowing utas Chaldean dogmatics established Lord Commissioner denomination fellowship High Kirk gyrovague Patristic Latin Auld Kirker Justin non-episcopal vakass God's church chorale Church Estates Commissioner altar rail lord high commissioner membership temporal Holy See koinonia teaching elder choral pylorus credo verse service Ambrosian chant collation ascension defensor Church of Englandism god's-penny oblate Trinitytide Galatians church-work great church-and-king man Bow bells Romans, Epistle to the Church and Kingism modality origenian revelator synopsis Melchizedek morning prayer Sexagesima Quinquagesima Wee Frees reconciliation Bickertonite impropriate Liberian basilica simoniac church rent church fair church land church-out dignitary by confessor rite A oblation kneeler final pardoner Cutlerite priest vicar unsecular Kirker squarson rubricate reformist fireside dissentient collect for the day scarlet woman plow alms read in nomocanon broad aisle Relief Church consociationism church-door station day precinct ostiarius Dormition removal Ethiopianism mystagogue excommunication churchite stated clerk Swedenborgian civil Church Commissioner little hours Holy Name confirmed proanaphora church stuff Tanchelmian Counter-Reformation popery dirge church triumphant horologion Old German Baptist Brethren illation First Presidency indulgential romish stake German Reformed kirk lair plainchant ascetic access visitator observance datary remonstrance parochial church council caesaropapism epistolary pie minister fistula Jacobite Gregorian infallible analepsis black clergy Broad Churchman duomo Studite act of contrition verger vigil advocatrix immaculate kontakion establish Romewards Great Canon popish chaplet Romanish Common Worship lectern lector reader church papist Cyril, St advent epistoler presbyteress Smith, Joseph Holy Spirit James, St economist pyx Great Schism alb contrition churchify metran high-church apostolic church reunionist perpetuity iconostasis Caelicolae theology alliance charism order the Curia padre Corinthians clerical portiforium archpriest churching La Scala element Thirty-nine Articles state angaria deanery Raskol black brigade heresy de excommunicato capiendo admittance Charles III Colossians, Epistle to the stained-glass ceiling Ephesians, Epistle to the bring Ladies Aid cantor monstrance camerlengo sustentation fund hallelujah counterreformation schism church house Neumann verge pontifical ring prestation money title jack mormon corban collegialism institution intone anathema dilapidate papistical lay reader churchy probation chime papistic church story western church-bench confession corona deconsecrate loft choir rail dischurch bow-bells church covenanting beam light choir aisle baptistery postlude church robber screen labyrinth galilee episcopate belfry Eastern Rite auditory state church angel town church major excommunication church fête donatist the Book of Common Prayer quota Ambrose, St concordat church work ainoi katabasis formulary Babylon abthane curialism eve apodeipnon amphithyron kirktown patrist orthros apolysis chalice patrician chi presiding bishop little habit act bystander kerygma benediction Methodism sticheron Mennonitism Christian Reformed statocracy Whitsun farthings inquisition curialistic Ascension Day sceuophorion depositum marcionite Patristic Greek dissever ecumenics orarion curialist pentecostals heritage lutherism consecrate wafer Gregory conformable Church Slavonic canto fermo clergyman patener high priest field church irregularity commendation spire esonarthex predella Angelus designation in the pulpit obedience Apostolic Father amen seat Lutheran Church subucula dedication Leo old-light matricula orarium aspergillum Uniatism euchology church membership quire churchgoer circuit disestablish secessional akoluthia Theotokos Grand Penitentiary rota analogion King of Kings schismatic quadragesimals altar boy baptize tridentine dog collar congregational sacramental wine icon conventicle pietism Low Mass Right Reverend last rites common anabata idiorrhythmism analabos Baptist Morrisite quiet day hieromonk Antichrist surrogate prelate catechesis pallium antiphonary holy doors Little Entrance rush–bearing territorialism lavabo friar Good Friday Mar Thoma zeta celebrity Henrician troper jubilee Romanly moravianism Canterbury, Archbishop of Easter water protestantism boat last anointing Cocceianism church militant Reformed Church prime Great Entrance lord lesson drawn teind manual lauds diocesan curate kirk officer canonical hours missal salutatory ministry choirmaster see south Anointing of the Sick superchurch campanology lay communion church choir soul-scot reservation Gregory of Nazianzus, St Foxe credence table bell-ringing Alternative Service Book primacy relief infallibility stauropegion Romanizer omophorion vatican bethlehem Free Church of Scotland Recordite atrium banns privation ante–Nicene dean of a peculiar tribune syncellus age of reason acolyte mortification tersanctus rite B dissident tide Common Prayer minor canon Dianetics interdict conciliarism black-letter day seceder kingdomtide cantorial regalism decanal Corpus Christi Jerome, St Christian Science vulgate circuit steward Holy Synod vestments church-membership lecturer rotal organistship Marprelate outask aisle Liberation Society Brunelleschi pageboy Latter-day Saints church formula steeplehouse cella the Orthodox Church bishop's ring gravamen rush-cart heortology Exultet Sarto Sagrada Familia churchianity Church of Scotland processional ecumenical patriarch Gregorian chant Rosminian gradual voluntary Root and Branch Petition treasury peace of God Stoneite aquarian Gospel side Titus, St interstice aggiornamento Nonjuror Test Act

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Words For "the church"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the church" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the church" are: catholic, Episcopalian, anglican, church, and Pope. There are 961 other words that are related to or similar to the church listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the church" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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